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Understanding the Benefits of Childhood Vaccinations

Understanding the Benefits of Childhood Vaccinations

Of course vaccines protect your child from devastating illness, disability, and death, but they have benefits that extend into the community. Margaret Lubega, MD, and our team at First Pediatric Care Center in Gastonia, North Carolina, are ready to help get your child up to date with all of their initial doses and boosters.

If you’re wondering why your child has such an extensive list of vaccinations to complete, here are some of the reasons. 

Vaccinations keep your child healthy

Many health organizations — including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Academy of Family Physicians — recommend childhood vaccines that cover about 14 different diseases, including:

You may not have heard of many of these diseases or known anyone who has suffered them, and that’s because of the effectiveness of vaccines. It’s not that your child doesn’t need protection from these infections; it’s that vaccines have protected so many from infection the diseases are incredibly rare, especially in the United States. 

Many of these diseases can make your child seriously ill. Several can leave your child with devastating disfigurement or disability. Some diseases can even prove deadly. 

Vaccinations prevent unwanted disease spread in the community

When the community is vaccinated, viruses have little ability to spread from child to child. Even those who cannot receive vaccines due to existing conditions get some protection from your child’s immunity. 

Vaccinations can help you and the community with health costs

When your child is sick, you may have to pay for expensive hospital visits and treatments. A simple vaccine can help your child avoid severe illness, saving you the out-of-pocket medical expenses associated with illness care. 

Plus, keeping your child healthy means you can avoid missed work due to sick days. Vaccines also prevent your child from developing a disease with long-term complications that will alter your life and medical costs forever.

Vaccinations keep future generations safe

Vaccinations mean that your children’s children and their children don’t have to suffer unnecessary illness. Vaccines have eliminated some diseases entirely. Smallpox is one example. 

Vaccinating children against rubella, German measles, has meant that pregnant women no longer pass this disease on to their babies so the birth defects associated with this condition are no longer occurring in the United States. 

Continued commitment to vaccination means more diseases can be greatly reduced or eradicated altogether. 

How do vaccines work?

Vaccines are a dead or weakened version of a germ that causes disease. When exposed to the vaccine, your child’s immune system builds up antibodies that protect them from the disease if they come into contact with it. Even if your child experiences symptoms associated with the disease, their case is usually mild and they recover quickly.

Are vaccinations really safe?

Vaccinations are carefully studied and researched before being given to children (or adults for that matter). Your child might be slightly fussy or even mildly ill following a vaccination, but this slight discomfort is worth the protection against extreme disease. 

First Pediatric Care Center can help you keep your child’s vaccinations up to date. Call today for an appointment or use the tool here to book your child’s appointment right now.

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